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Sunday, July 31, 2016


I don't think most people even know what unconditional means... it is seeing the soul behind the actions.. It is is being the Bigger person when no one else even knows that you are ...

Source: YouTube
Link: Click here

Name: Katy Perry - Unconditionally
Artist: Katy Perry



It's like the butterfly effect... : for every action, there is a reaction.... there is nothing we can do if we interact with others at All, that will not produce a reaction... that can be good or bad depending on you and how they take it..- it's an endless battle heaped in misunderstandings..

Travel news

No.... a hot air balloon crashed 7am yesterday morning, killing 16 people... I looked it up, the moon was in Gemini, the sign of local travel opposite Sagittarius(where Saturn is now), the sign of long distant travel....When was the last time you heard of a hot air balloon disaster?  Spoken before.. be careful of all travel ..When 9/11 happened..Saturn was in Gemini opposing Pluto in Sagittarius- Gemini- the twins (twin towers) destroyed (pluto) thru long distance travel (Sagittarius) ..

Saturday, July 30, 2016


My own vision.... if string theory is real.. right now to my knowledge it is only a hypothesis- yet to be proven... But what if? I relate colors and musical tones to different emotions... what if we are but waves of energy.. waiting for something to pluck the strings? what if in fact, we are instruments and life is a symphony?... The planets pluck the strings in an amazing sequence of frequency energy patterns... we the recievers and our perspective of the energy is based on our own strings and how they are tuned to life?

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

moon cycle-thursday

Midday.. Thursday the moon will switch from Taurus (where we want to eat everything ) to Gemini at 1:30 pm (cst)-(where we'll want to talk about everything). Just a Heads Up-- learn instead of gossip- Just a Tip..

Irritable Friday ?

Friday--  Mercury in Leo will square Mars in Scorpio... I don't see that working out well. Tempers may flare, arguments can arise, and accidents may occur... it is strongest just before 5 pm (cst) - However Venus in Leo will sextile Jupiter in Virgo at exactly the same time... So perhaps any negative actions are warranted and necessary... Still ... watch yourself and others and tread lightly because anything could be taken wrong and people around you, even if you are not, may be tempermental- which in turn will cause you to be temperamental and henceforth- drama....

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Depth perception

Been thinking about Scorpio energy alot lately... Mars has hung out in Scorpio for much longer than usual this year due to a retrograde- which may have made everything feel much darker than usual...One week from today... most will be released from the Scorpio energy at that point and get to move on to greener pastures Aug. 2 when Mars enters Sagittarius for 6 weeks.. Scorpio energy can be quite heavy- dealing with death, transformation,rebirth, obsessiveness, the phoenix rising from the ashes, Depth perception(literally- you See thru things)- jealousy and emotional control issues...  I had a neighbor once who was a Scorpio and her husband shot himself in the bathroom .. she heard it and then fell upon it.....and that was just in the short time I knew her.... Not many know about or address progressions of the birthchart... though they play a BIG role in our experience and growth... Right now, and for the last 26 months... my progressed moon has been in Scorpio and it's tough... Emotions are raw but fight coming out.. death? - lost 3 coworkers already and am now watching a fourth die before my eyes....almost died myself couple mos. ago.  I'm thinking- stay away from me if you want to live .... 4 more months and my emotional state and experience will switch to Sagittarius... there's always a light at the end of the tunnel....

Monday, July 25, 2016

Dreamy insights?- Wednesday

Wednesday morning looks interesting.. around 6 am, Mercury in Leo trines Uranus in Aries... This can bring sudden insights, revelations, or answers to the forefront of your mind..... Conversations with others or learning can be enlightening... Being overtaken with complex thoughts or messages can occur.. Probably unusual ones but in a good way-- will continue though out the day but strongest early morning.. If you tend to wake up around 6am (cst), the moon in Taurus (it switches from Aries to Taurus tomorrow at noon) will be sextile to Neptune in Pisces during this time. which makes waking during a dream highly likely... Will we receive insight thru our dreams? .. Possibly

Manic Monday?

Could be a little confusing pre-afternoon...Around 10:30 am , the moon in Aries squares Pluto in Capricorn. End results could be power plays, control tactics, jealousy and emotional confusion- a dark sense of being... But it only lasts an hour or 2 and then just before 12 pm, the moon in Aries trines Venus in Leo.. At which point we feel more positive.. being yourself , having fun, joking around will be received well as we enter more emotional positivity... Also lasting an hour or two. So basically we enter emotional darkness for a bit followed by emotional pleasantry. Which can be confusing.. like a short mood rollercoaster ride.. Otherwise, the Cosmos are quiet.

Sunday, July 24, 2016

current forecast- sunday

It is 9am as I write... the Moon just went in Aries.. The sleepy dreamy quiet energy felt over the last two days while the moon was in Pisces( which rules the subconscious ) is switching to a more alert, self conscious, strong, ego- related fire sign of Aries for the next 2 days... We'll feel stronger , but tempers and selfishness must be monitored... Good news: Right after 11 am (CST) the moon in Aries will trine the Sun in Leo- good for a feeling of emotional balance within ourselves as our emotional feelings line up with our physical being.... lasts about an hour or 2.... Not a lot else... skies being quiet lately... although there is an inconjunct between Venus and Pluto tonight. Love and/or money issues can disturb some... But Mercury in Leo has a semi-sextile with Jupiter in Virgo just after 9pm (cst) which can produce enough positive energy and thoughts hopefully to cancel out the Venus/Pluto aspect

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Leo time

A lot on mind.... Seeing where the planets are can cause a wakefulness at times none other could understand... By the time we wake up tomorrow. the Sun will have left Cancer and joined Mercury and Venus in Leo..... the playful nature we have been feeling will get even stronger...Leo rules over affairs of the heart ( this means romantic situations but can also be literal as heart attacks increase in multitude and blood pressure rises ),children, fun and being dramatic or animated... Watch as all the adults around you this month as well as yourself play like children.... Let the games begin...the only drawback(for all signs have negative and/or positive potential-depends on the person) is that drama can increase... You know the phrase " too much drama"? well.. we may be seeing a lot of that in the next few weeks...

Name: Stars Align - Lindsey Stirling (Original Song)
Artist: Lindsey Stirling
Link: YouTube


Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Belief Systems

"Sometimes there's no reason, to Justify the Meaning" Halestorm - Amen (Link)   Can't combine my desire with a Maker with my lust for the Stars.... it doesn't fit- yet I see Reasons why both are Real....Early 20's- Pluto conjuncts my natal Neptune in the sign of Sagittarius(the sign of beliefs and religion) and I begin studying astrology.. My birth chart - Uranus(different, unusual) in the 9th house by birth (like the 9th sign of Sagittarius representing belief systems) meaning my beliefs were destined to be unorthodox. Basically I am saying that the birth chart preordains what you will believe - it's right there... Struggle comes for many though right now with Saturn in Sagittarius for the next 2 years... Not only that- but come August 2nd, Mars will join Saturn in Sagittarius for 6 weeks... Let the religious war begin?(I mean even worse than it already has) We'll all be called to define what we believe... and some will go to extremes.- take care traveling this late Summer into Fall.. Sagittarius rules travel as well ( think about it- if you travel.. you can often be called to endure or participate in other's beliefs ) I warned on FB that travel could be difficult once Saturn went into Sagittarius... when was the last time you heard of a military plane(Air Force) and a Blue Angels plane crashing on the same day? Well... that happened June 2 of this year, the Blue Angels pilot died... the Sun in Gemini was opposing Saturn in Sagittarius that evening....I skipped from beliefs to travel- but their presence both will be in the collective consciousness in the next 2 mos, especially to follow- ===


Got into an argument with someone on facebook the other day when they said that "Glenn Beck was even too crazy to last on Fox"--- yeah, well Glenn Beck has Mars, Mercury, Sun, and Saturn all in Aquarius... of course they think he's crazy...he is ahead of everyone.... I reminded them that Glenn predicted the Muslim brotherhood, the caliphate, and George Soros trying to take over before any one else had a clue about it....(left them speechless for they had no idea what I was even talking about)  which now is more common knowledge but no one ever apologized to Glenn for calling him crazy.  That is what it is like to have Aquarius in you..... Well.. by the time we awaken tomorrow morning, the still almost Full moon will have switched from Capricorn into Aquarius... so for the next couple days, We are all allowed to be crazy..I say.. As usual with Aquarius, you can expect the unexpected... once, when the moon was in Aquarius, I walked out the front door to find a goose just hanging out in my yard - little things like that... Aquarius is ruled by Uranus which is the only planet that orbits upside down... hmm...If the shoe Fits...

Monday, July 18, 2016


Tomorrow.... around 12 pm, the Full Moon in Capricorn will square Uranus in Aries- Expect the Unexpected...(then trines Mars in Scorpio-good for emotional strength following whatever may occur).. Thinking this may have more to do with world affairs than individual lives.. But it is a Tuesday- so irritation is likely to float around and may increase around that time.... Adios

Saturday, July 16, 2016


Technically though.... well Egypt overthrew their government a few years ago when the Muslim brotherhood tried to take over... there were Egyptian songs about it and everything...I think the guy's name was morse' or something-- my point is they do it slowly.... If you put a frog in a pot of water and Slowly heat it up ... it will stay there until it is boiling and it's too late.. That is what the Overton Window by Glenn Beck is about---public relations-- people will accept anything if you do it so slowly they don't stop to notice until it is too late

new world order

It's here.. it's beginning....Turkey just overthrew their government and the military tried to take over and create a coup........ It won't just be Us .... the transformation of governments will effect the whole world for the UN wants to take over the whole world and enslave people...creating a one world government.... how millions of people can be controlled by a select few is beyond me- yet, it's always been that way...but not if we join and fight back.... "they" are so outnumbered it's ridiculous to think they could ever control us.... But --- More people need to wake up and see what is happening... They can not fight if they don't realize there even is a fight in progress...

Friday, July 15, 2016

Upcoming Full Moon

July's Full Moon falls on Tuesday.. Tuesdays can be rough for they are ruled by Mars and everyone seems to be irritated or things go wrong.... This Full Moon falls in Capricorn-- which rules fear, anxiety, depression,restriction and responsibility.... I know that sounds really negative- the good news is the full moon sextiles Mars in Scorpio... so maybe we can use it
 for responsible transformation? Personally-- I think I'll just lay low and watch people like I always do around a full moon... even after studying astrology for 16 yrs ... it still fills me with wonder to watch it come to life...

Wednesday, July 13, 2016


"So Afraid to Open your Eyes... Hypnotized...."

Source: YouTube (The Only One - Evanescence lyrics)
Link: Youtube

Name: The Only One - Evanescence
Artist: Evanescence

Did you know that emotion literally means "energy in motion"? - Gee, I wonder why ,,,,

Tuesday, July 12, 2016


At 4 pm today, the moon left harmonic, sociable Libra and entered the more private and emotional dark realm of Scorpio.. Background emotions in the next 2 days could be along lines of paranoid, jealous, death situations and a feeling of lacking or wanting control. However when the moon makes aspects with other planets, that is when the energy is first felt.... it is minor and only lasts an hour or two. Tomorrow at around 1:30 pm, the Scorpio moon will form a semi-sextile to Saturn in Sagittarius--- a favorable aspect but Saturn can be difficult to deal with sometimes, especially influenced by a Scorpio moon... So many may feel a little melancholy or too serious around this time... The good news is at around 3:30 pm, the moon trines Neptune in Pisces- always favorable and with Neptune involved-- daydreaming, working in the arts, showing compassion and being inspired can occur... The planets being in the water sign of Cancer, as well as having Mars in Scorpio (another water sign) lately have made many people feel half-crazed, emotional, moody and confused... Unfortunately Mars doesn't leave Scorpio until August 2nd.. but the planets are exiting Cancer as we speak ! ---Venus left and entered the fire sign Leo yesterday.. making love, adventure, entertainment, and being ourselves more Fun. :) -Mercury still resides in Cancer but it will follow Venus into Leo at around 7:30 pm tomorrow night- bringing a more amused, funny nature to our way of thinking. The Sun though will remain in Cancer until Friday, July 22nd-- then we'll really feel better finally. A Date to keep in mind : SATURDAY, JULY 16TH----- this weekend.. In the Cosmos it will be a busy day...It could start with something unexpected and the desire to do something unusual when the Sun in Cancer squares Uranus in Aries around 10 am--- Unforeseen events may occur in the news as well as our lives ( how much more can we take?) -- However Mercury and Venus line up into an conjunction in Leo making us all more communicative and eager to share ideas.. Ideas about love and the ability to have a sense of humor concerning all communication on this day is extremely likely. Then that evening around 7 pm, the Sun in Cancer will trine Mars in Scorpio... extra energy and zeal for anything you need or desire to do will be high.. Physically we will feel well and strong... Emotionally we will be able to communicate feelings in responsible ways... Plus -- for an extra bonus the moon-- creeping Closer to Full at this time--- will be in the optimistic fire sign of Sagittarius! Make plans for this day if you can... for whatever you endeavor or involve yourself in should work out wonderfully ( just hold back in the early morning hours..)     -- (p.s. all moon times are brief, an hour or 2.. the outer planetary aspects tend to have more of a whole day experience, I just wrote when they are at their strongest point.... all times are Central standard time) - Hope Everyone has a good weekend    :)

Sunday, July 10, 2016

History repeats itself

Some people are suggesting that what is going on with Dallas and the chaos ensuing could be a precursor to Marshall Law and possibly Civil War... and that could give Obama a reason to stay in office (he has commented and mentioned a third term 3 times) Astrologically during the American and French Revolutions, Pluto (sign of transformation,etc... )  was in Capricorn (sign of government ) --henceforth transformation of government-- Well, here we are again, 200+ years later... Will history repeat itself?

Reasons why

People find it hard to be belief in astrology.. human emotions we have always felt being blamed on some unforeseen force? Think Nikola Tesla " If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration" Physics has already proved that we are atoms and atoms is energy.. Why do we feel what we do when we hear music?... Frequency

Current aspects/news

The moon currently resides in Libra bringing relationships and the desire for companionship to the forefront. Meanwhile today Mercury trines Mars approximately 7 hours from now or 2:30pm today... This can mean a strong mindset.... If you have mental work to do, or something important to say... that would be the best time for it... Mental ability will be strong... .Unfortunately Around 10 pm, Minds could be racing in unusual patterns,(if you cannot sleep, thank Uranus) you may think in unusual patterns or receive unusual information..........  With the whole Dallas thing... :( Mars is in Scorpio currently and a while now ---Mars being actions and(being in Aries, the sign Mars falls under) Scorpio being the sign that death and sometimes violence occurs ... Also... (Scorpio also rules other peoples possessions) ... I have had 3 robberies in my neighborhood in the last 2 weeks...

Saturday, July 9, 2016


Welcome to Cosmic Keys... this is  a Blog where we speak about Astrology, Life issues and current News